The Science Behind GNLD

Purity, Potency and Proof
GNLD products are based in nature and backed by science. We use only the finest whole food, human food chain ingredients that are backed by research of world-leading scientists and nutritionists.

A History of Scientific Excellence

Dr. Arthur Furst (1914 - 2005)

Founding Member Emeritus, SAB, Ph.D., Sc.D., D-ATS, Toxicologist, Pharmacologist Member, Ten Scientific Societies, Consultant, World Health Organization

Internationally regarded as a pioneer in toxicology and cancer research, Dr. Arthur Furst founded the Stanford Cancer Chemotherapy Laboratory and was at the forefront of disease-prevention science for 50 years. His discoveries have paved the way for GNLD's products.

A Nutritional Heritage
The Scientific Advisory Board, founded in 1976 by Dr. Furst, originated in the NeoLife nutritionals family. Now backing the entire range of GNLD’s products, the Scientific Advisory Board sits at the core of a worldwide network of leading scientists and research facilities. The SAB seal guarantees you the finest, safest, most effective products in the world.

Anjana Srivastava M.S., M.B.A.

Executive Vice President, Product, Science & Technology Life Sciences, Botanist

John R. Miller

Product Technologist, Researcher
Member, New York Academy of Sciences and Society of Cosmetic Chemists

Fred G. Hooper Ph.D.

Biochemist, Nutritionist Noted Product Formulator, Writer & Lecturer

Laszlo P. Somogyi Ph.D.

Food Scientist, Nutritionist, Fellow Institute of Food Technologists

Arianna Carughi Ph.D., C.N.S.

Nutritional Scientist, Stanford Fellow

David Shepherd Ph.D.

Microbial Biochemist, Expert in Food Technology & Phytochemistry

Diane E. Clayton Ph.D.

Biochemist, Nutritionist Health Practitioner

Mark Lowman Director

New Product Development Member, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists


SAB members conduct leading-edge research. In addition, they attend many of the world’s most important scientific meetings and seminars, where they frequently present GNLD research.


SAB members and research on our products are regularly published in leading scientific journals, including the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, the International Journal of Toxicology, the FASEB Journal, and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.